Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Where did August go?!

Whoops!! I completely missed the entire month! I have been very busy at work with our auditing season which means a lot of travel during the day and getting home later at night, along with that, Drew and I are trying REALLY hard to stay on track with our half marathon training, so that means at least 4 to 5 days a week of running/working out for an hour, AND on top of that, I'm studying for the CPA exam....again, so my free time is minimal. But anyways, we had a great month of August starting with celebrating our first anniversary on the 6th! We went to a wine tasting, a craft brewery, and our favorite locally grown restaurant that has AMAZING food!

We've also spent a lot of time watching this cutey grow, he is walking now!!! And here he is getting caught going into my purse, like his guilty face?! LOVE HIM!

And two of my good friends from college, Amanda and Jessica, came and visited Drew and I for a long weekend!!It was SO great to see them and show them around where we live. We spent a day at the beach, a day around town, and introduced them to a lot of our friends down here along with enjoying some adult beverages and catching up!! Here is the ONE picture that we managed to take that weekend, we were too busy having fun that we almost didn't take a single picture until their last night here!

Thanks so much for coming girls!!!!

Can't promise that I'll be a better blogger in September, but I'm hoping that come October (when my test is finally over) that I have a little bit more free time!