Friday, June 22, 2012

Dumb Traditions

I've always heard that you're supposed to save the top layer of your wedding cake, freeze it, and then eat it on your one year anniversary. So Drew and I did just that, but we had to keep the cake in my parents freezer since there really was no good way to transport it to NC without ruining it. When we were home a few weeks ago, we decided to eat the cake a little early since we don't have any plans on going home until the holidays.

We're not superstitious, so eating the cake around our 10th month anniversary didn't bother us. We're fairly confident that we'll make it to our one year, but we both agreed, along with both of our families that this is one dumb tradition. Once the cake thawed, the frosting basically melted away from the cake and when everyone tried a piece, it tasted truly awful (I hope it was better on our wedding day...I don't think I ate a piece other than the small bite we fed each other). Within 5 minutes everyone had a stomach ache including Darby, the Shepard's family dog, who stole a bite off the counter!!

Anyways, here's to traditions, the old ones, the new ones, the tried ones, the true ones, and....the dumb ones!!!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Love is in the Air

People always say that between the ages of 24-30, your life is filled with weddings. So I was blown away when I realized that Drew and I had no weddings to go to in the Summer of 2012, well now I know why...2013 is making up for it. I have 2 brothers and now a best friend who are all getting married in 2013!!!  And I am so excited to be able to be in all of those wedding parties.

Nate and Britney got engaged first and Britney asked me to be a bridesmaid in this way:

And here is her gorgeous ring!

Then Nick and Kirsten got engaged and she asked me to be in her wedding in this way:

And here is her beautiful ring:

Then, my best friend Rachel got engaged and she asked me, along with her sister, to be her Maid of Honor!!

And this is her stunning ring!!

Since starting this blog earlier in the week, Rachel and Steve set their wedding date for November 2012 which is just 5 months away!! This makes wedding season 2013 a little less eventful, but I can't wait to start all the celebrating earlier!! I'm very fortunate that I will be able to make it back for all the weddings for 6 very important people in my life, exciting times!!

It's Official!!

We're running in the Battleship Half Marathon on November 4th!!! Stay tuned for all of our lovely training struggles and strengths!!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Conor's Grad Party

My baby brother graduated high school!!! Drew and I were able to make it home for Conor's grad party this June and I was so happy about it. Living away from home makes it really hard to miss important events, so I'm really fortunate that I was able to get a good job that pays enough for us to afford these trips and that is understanding enough to let me take the time off to go. I didn't get any pictures of Conor's party because 3 hours passes very fast when you get to socialize with so many family and friends!

I am very proud of Conor and all his accomplishments in high school and can't wait to see what he does at the U of M and hopefully law school in the future! He's great at arguing so he will make a great lawyer some day!! Congrats Conor!!!!

Friday, June 1, 2012

I need a new shirt

That says that I am liberal and I support, like, and respect our president so please don't talk to me about how you don't feel the same and try and change my opinion...YOU CAN'T. Also, please avoid saying racist things. That just makes you look more stupid.

A Yankee living in the south