Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Pear Salad

Sounds good, right? Well it just adds to reason #890308435 that I have gained weight while living in the south.

I have been lamenting to my coworkers about how I don't like how much weight I've gained and how much my blood pressure increased since living here and how hard it is to avoid bad food in the south. Today we went to a small diner and a coworker suggested that I substitute a pear salad for french fries. Pears, good, salad, great, pear salad, nasty crap! (Thanks, Jim Gaffigan, for that line)

What went wrong, you ask? 

Oh, they forgot to mention the cheddar cheese and dollops of mayo on the pear!!!!! GROSS!!! This is what is considered healthy in the south...lettuce, pears, cheese, and at least a 1/4 cup mayo. There is a cherry on top, so it's ok, right? Good Lord.

I scrapped the mayo and cheese off and just ate the pear...well and the cherry :-)

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Day at the Beach

Drew's favorite place to be is at the ocean, who would think after being from a land locked state, I guess we can thank grandpa George and grandma Mar for the for moving to Hawaii! Unfortunately we have hardly been at the beach this summer with all of the trips we took early in the season and Drew's crazy unpredictable work schedule, but we finally made it there last weekend.

It was a gorgeous day and the ocean felt like bath water. It was wonderful! Unfortunately, we enjoyed it too much and got so sun burnt (even though we did apply sunscreen) that we were MISERABLE for the following 3 days. Whoops! Better luck next time!

Here's our one picture from the day eating at a restaurant on the pier:

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Wine and Design

This weekend my friend, Emily, came up from Jacksonville, NC and I had a fun-filled, child-free night planned for the both of us. There is a new thing is Goldsboro called Wine and Design. You bring your own bottle of wine, and the place provides the canvas, the paint and the instructor and for about 2 and a half hours they teach you how to paint the portrait for the night.

I am NOT a good artist at all, never have been, coloring inside the lines is tough for me, but I thought this sounded fun and for $25, pretty cheap entertainment....plus there was wine, so that makes it all better, right?

Here is my final masterpiece:

I was pretty proud of myself when I finished, and I wasn't sure if it was just because of the wine I consumed while doing it, but I woke up the next morning and was still pretty proud of it, so on the wall it goes!! 

I hope to do this again sometime soon....any takers?!?!

Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my favorite non-twin brother, Conor!!! He turned 19! Happy Birthday Con!