Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Wine and Design

This weekend my friend, Emily, came up from Jacksonville, NC and I had a fun-filled, child-free night planned for the both of us. There is a new thing is Goldsboro called Wine and Design. You bring your own bottle of wine, and the place provides the canvas, the paint and the instructor and for about 2 and a half hours they teach you how to paint the portrait for the night.

I am NOT a good artist at all, never have been, coloring inside the lines is tough for me, but I thought this sounded fun and for $25, pretty cheap entertainment....plus there was wine, so that makes it all better, right?

Here is my final masterpiece:

I was pretty proud of myself when I finished, and I wasn't sure if it was just because of the wine I consumed while doing it, but I woke up the next morning and was still pretty proud of it, so on the wall it goes!! 

I hope to do this again sometime soon....any takers?!?!

Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my favorite non-twin brother, Conor!!! He turned 19! Happy Birthday Con!

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